Environmental DNA reveals temporal variation in mesophotic reefs of the Humboldt upwelling ecosystems of central Chile: Toward a baseline for biodiversity monitoring of unexplored marine habitats

Environmental DNA reveals temporal variation in mesophotic reefs of the Humboldt upwelling ecosystems of central Chile: Toward a baseline for biodiversity monitoring of unexplored marine habitats

+ Environmental DNA reveals temporal variation in mesophotic reefs of the Humboldt upwelling ecosystems of central Chile: Toward a baseline for biodiversity monitoring of unexplored marine habitats
Saenz-Agudelo P, Ramirez P, Beldade R, Campoy AN, Garmendia V, Search FV, Fernández M, Wieters EA, Navarrete SA, Landaeta MF, Pérez-Matus A.
Ecology and Evolution
Volumen 14, e10999

Javiera Bianchi