Morphological, physiological and behavioral responses of an intertidal snail, Acanthina monodon (Pallas), to projected ocean acidification and cooling water conditions in upwelling ecosystems.

Morphological, physiological and behavioral responses of an intertidal snail, Acanthina monodon (Pallas), to projected ocean acidification and cooling water conditions in upwelling ecosystems.

+ Morphological, physiological and behavioral responses of an intertidal snail, Acanthina monodon (Pallas), to projected ocean acidification and cooling water conditions in upwelling ecosystems.
Duarte C, Jahnsen-Guzmán N, Quijón P, Manríquez PH, Lardies MA, Fernández C, Reyes M, Zapata J, García-Huidobro R, Lagos NA.
Environmental Pollution. 2022. | 293. 118481