Position Announcement: Postdoctoral Fellow in “Artisanal fisheries and Ecosystem management”

A postdoctoral position as part of the Coastal Social-Ecological Millennium Institute (SECOS) is available.

DURATION: Full time. 18 months, w/possibilities for extension until 36 months (i.e. through competitive Postdoc ANID grants).

DESCRIPTION: A postdoctoral position as part of the Coastal Social-Ecological Millennium Institute (SECOS) is available. SECOS Institute is formed by a multidisciplinary team of scientists from several Chilean universities, focused on coastal sustainability. Main objectives of SECOS are to understand global, regional, and local drivers of change; the social-ecological conditions that hinder sustainability; and to test and implement actions that unravel such conditions. Our work plan to accomplish these objectives, has been organized through the study of small- and medium-scale social-ecological experimental units, or learning platforms, which tackle key issues in artisanal fisheries, shellfish aquaculture, and coastal development as social-ecological systems (SES). In particular, we look for a postdoctoral fellow to ascribe to the Artisanal fisheries and Ecosystem management SES. Post-doctoral research could be directed towards one of the following areas:

  • Territorial Use Rights for Fishing (TURF), biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • Vulnerability, adaptive capacity, and resilience of artisanal fisheries.
  • Seaweeds restoration and blue carbon.
  • Decision-making for the ecosystem-based management of artisanal fisheries.
  • Innovation in the management of fishery resources and conservation of biodiversity in coastal marine areas of indigenous peoples.

The successful applicant can be based in any of the SECOS associated institutions in Chile, in Santiago (i.e., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Santo Tomás, Universidad Andrés Bello), Concepción (Universidad de Concepción), or Coquimbo (Universidad Católica de Norte). Fieldwork will be required.

BACKGROUND: Ph.D., with a strong background in any of the disciplines involved in the scientific themes previously described: e.g., marine biology, ecology, sociology, among others. The postdoc researcher will interact closely with senior scientists from different disciplines and local artisanal fishers.

TO APPLY: Applicants should submit the following digital files with this format:

  • Curriculum Vitae in extenso: LAST NAME, name – CV.
  • Copies of degree certificates: LAST NAME, name – certificate.
  • Cover letter: LAST NAME, name – letter.
  • A statement of previous research achievements: LAST NAME, name – statement.
  • Copies of relevant articles (maximum 3): LAST NAME, name – articles.
  • A research plan (maximum 3 pages): LAST NAME, name – plan.
  • A list of 2 referees (with contact details): LAST NAME, name – referees

Applications should be sent until July 31st, 2021, to postulaciones@socioecologiacostera.cl E-mail subject: SECOS Postdoc Application Fisheries – CANDIDATE LAST NAME

DATES: Preferred start date is September 1st, 2021 but is negotiable.

SALARY: The Postdoctoral fellow involves a monthly salary of around CLP$1.880.000.- Applications should be submitted to:

Pablo Fuentes
Executive Director
Coastal Social-Ecological Millennium Institute (SECOS)
P. Universidad Católica de Chile