The Fisheries Co-Management Guidebook: Emerging Research for the Effective Management of Small-Scale Fisheries

The Fisheries Co-Management Guidebook: Emerging Research for the Effective Management of Small-Scale Fisheries

+ The Fisheries Co-Management Guidebook: Emerging Research for the Effective Management of Small-Scale Fisheries
P Smallhorn-West, RA Abesamis, D Boso, J Cinner, PH Cohen, S Gelcich, HB Harrison, G Jones, SD Jupiter, F Khan, JD Lau, S Lawless, S Mangubhai, DJ Mills, M Mills, SH Peckham, RL Pressey, S Raj, C Ruano-Chamorro, A Tilley, J Tullos, H Ullah.
World Fish, Wildlife Conservation Society, CGIAR, James Cook University, SECOS. 2023 |