Using expert knowledge to propose recreational marine reef-fish management measures in Chile

Using expert knowledge to propose recreational marine reef-fish management measures in Chile

+ Using expert knowledge to propose recreational marine reef-fish management measures in Chile
Estévez RA, Godoy N, Araya M, Azocar C, de la Barra C, Bardi F, Fernández-Urzúa F, García M, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Lomonico S, Medina M, Naretto J, Ojeda FP, Pequeño G, Ponce F, Pulgar J, Pérez-Matus A, Rivera J, Smith A, Toro Da Ponte J, Torres-Cañete F, Vásquez JA, Gelcich S.
Conservation Science and Practice
Volumen 6, e13057

Javiera Bianchi