

Artículos científicos, papers, capítulos de libros y otras publicaciones relevantes del Instituto Milenio SECOS.

  • Artículo/paper

    + Navigating ecosystem services trade-offs: A global comprehensive review

    Maria José Martinez-Harms, Bárbara Larraín-Barrios, Luis D. Verde Arregoitia, José Palma-Duque, Stefan Gelcich


    Volumen 54, 4

  • Artículo/paper

    + Positioning blue justice at local scales: insights for transdisciplinarity through art-science integration

    Steven Mons, Fernanda X. Oyarzun, Carolina Martínez, Genevieve G. Tremblay, Stefan Gelcich, Laura Farías, Pablo Romero, Valentina Manríquez, Camila Sepúlveda, Malcom Bonet, Nikole F. Guerrero, Simón Inzunza, Ariel Farías.

    Ecology & Society

    Volumen 30, 1

  • Artículo/paper

    + Latitudinal changes in blubber fatty acids of the South American sea lion along the Southeast Pacific Coast
    Alicia I. Guerrero, Tracey L. Rogers, Carmen Barrios-Guzmán, Heide Heredia-Azuaje, Fadia Tala, Michael Araya, Maritza Sepúlveda.

    Marine Environmental Research

    Volumen 204, 106890

  • Artículo/paper

    + Brachyuran crab fisheries in Chile: challenges and opportunities for rising demand
    M. Isidora Ávila-Thieme, Stefan Gelcich, Jessica A. Gephart & C. Josh Donlan.

    Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

    Volumen 35, 1

  • Artículo/paper

    + Enhancing the potential of children’s agency to achieve global sustainability
    Tammy L. Elwell, Laura Nahuelhual, Marta Silva Fernández, Julie A. Bianchini & Steven D. Gaines.


    Volumen 54, 4

  • Artículo/paper

    + Phenotypic responses of the giant mussel Choromytilus chorus to prolonged upwelling conditions
    Sebastián I. Martel, Nicolás J. Leppes, Nelson A. Lagos, Cristian A. Vargas, Marco A. Lardies.

    Aquaculture Reports

    Volumen 41, 102680

  • Artículo/paper

    + Characterization of copepod ingestion rates in the Humboldt Archipelago and implications for a biogeochemical model in the Coquimbo upwelling system
    Victor M. Aguilera, Linda Barranco, Pablo Gorostiaga, Cristian A. Vargas, Ruben Escribano, Nicolas Bralic,
    Véronique Garçon.

    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
    Volumen 316, 109195

  • Artículo/paper

    + Assessing the Efficiency of the Marine Protected Area Systems in the Southeastern Pacific
    Mauro G. Zucconi, Felipe Opazo, Sergio A. Navarrete.

    Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
    Volumen 34, 12

  • Artículo/paper

    +Exploring the relationship between upwelling intensity and socio-ecological attributes of marine exploitation areas for benthic resources (MEABRs), along the southern Humboldt Current system
    Melissa Fernandez, Marcela Aldana, Cristian Duarte, M. Roberto García-Huidobro, Oscar Varas, Rodrigo A. Estévez, Javiera Pulgar, Pedro A. Quijón, José Pulgar.

    Journal of Environmental Management
    Volumen 374, 124102

  • Artículo/paper

    +Exploring noncompliance in the intertidal kelp fishery Lessonia berteroana of northern
    M. Isidora Avila-Thieme, Catalina A. Galaz-Catalan, Rodrigo A. Estévez, Pablo Romero, Josh C. Donlan, Stefan Gelcich.

    Marine Policy
    Volumen 173, 106574

  • Artículo/paper

    + Spatial assessment of risks faced by marine protected areas in Chilean Patagonia
    Maria Jose Martinez Harms, Bárbara Larraín-Barrios, Luis D. Verde Arregoitia, Stefan Gelcich, Ricardo R. Alvarez, David Tecklin.

    Ecology & Society
    Volumen 29, 4

  • Artículo/paper

    + Small-scale geographic differences in multiple-driver environmental variability can modulate contrasting phenotypic plasticity despite high levels of gene flow
    Castillo N, Gaitán-Espitia JD, Quintero-Galvis JF, Saldías GS, Martel SI, Lardies MA, Mesas A, Pérez-Santos IE, Gelcich S, Vargas CA.

    Marine Environmental Research
    Volumen 954, 176772

  • Artículo/paper

    + Exploring the impact of ocean acidification information on consumers' preference for seafood
    Barrientos M, Carrasco-Garcés M, Vásquez-Lavín F, Ponce Oliva RD, San Martín VA, Gelcich S.

    Future Foods
    Volumen 10, 100494

  • Artículo/paper

    + Sustainable biorefinery of Ulva stenophylloides, a green-tide species from the South Pacific coast: A study on antioxidant, oligosaccharide, and ulvan extraction
    Contreras-Porcia L, Torres MD, Domínguez H, Queffelec J, Piña F, Inoubli S, Aldunate R, Bronfman FC, Pizarro N, Toro-Mellado F, Pozo-Sotelo M, Gallardo-Campos M, Pinilla-Rojas B, Rivas J, Remonsellez JP.

    Algal Research
    Volumen 84, 103785

  • Artículo/paper

    + Advancing an integrated understanding of land–ocean connections in shaping the marine ecosystems of coastal temperate rainforest ecoregions
    Hunt BPV, Alin S, Bidlack A, Diefenderfer HL, Jackson JM, Kellogg CTE, Kiffney P, St. Pierre KA, Carmack E, Floyd WC, Hood E, Horner-Devine AR, Levings C, Vargas CA.

    Limnology and Oceanography
    Volumen 69, 12

  • Artículo/paper

    + Easy, fast and reproducible Stochastic Cellular Automata with chouca
    Génin A, Dupont G, Valencia D, Zucconi M, Ávila-Thieme MI, Navarrete SA, Wieters EA.

    Peer Community Journal
    Volumen 4, e95

  • Artículo/paper

    + Spatio-temporal variability of remote sensing reflectance from MODIS imagery for water quality assessment: A case study of Northern Patagonia, Chile
    Lara C, Flores RP, Córdova V, Muñoz R, Vásquez SI, Saldías GS, Pérez-Santos I, Ruíz-Verdú A, Broitman BR, Detoni AMS, Caballero I.

    Advances in Space Research
    Volumen 75, 11

  • Artículo/paper

    + Escape behavior of rocky-reef fish reveals the impact of spearfishing across different management regimes
    Contreras-Drey FJ, Godoy N, Smith A, Rezende EL, Pérez-Matus A, Estevez RA, Beldade R, Ojeda FP, Gelcich S.


    Volumen 15, 11

  • Artículo/paper

    + Effects of glacial melting on physiological performance of Macrocystis pyrifera in the Fjord of the Mountains, Magellanic Sub‐Antarctic ecoregion, Chile
    Coral-Santacruz D, Méndez F, Marambio J, Haye PA, Bahamonde F, Mansilla A.

    Journal of Applied Phycology
    Volumen 36, 3637–3648

  • Artículo/paper

    + Spatio-temporal variability of turbidity derived from Sentinel-2 in Reloncaví sound, Northern Patagonia, Chile
    García-Tuñon W, Curra-Sánchez ED, Lara C, González-Rodríguez L, Urrego EP, Delegido J, Broitman BR.

    Ecological Informatics
    Volumen 83, 102814

  • Libro/capítulo

    + Capítulo 6: Algas de la región de Atacama. Biodiversidad marina y terrestre de la Región de Atacama
    Tala F, Vásquez JA.

    Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad

  • Artículo/paper

    + The global extent and severity of operational interactions between conflicting pinnipeds and fisheries
    Jackson J, Arlidge WNS, Oyanedel R, Davis KJ.

    Nature Communications
    Volumen 15, 7449

  • Artículo/paper

    + A Physiological analysis of desiccation stress in the green tide species Ulva stenophylloides and Ulva uncialis in the South Pacific
    Mutizabal-Aros J, Meynard A, Contreras-Porcia L.

    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
    Volumen 12, 11

  • Artículo/paper

    + Building the “blue” capacity for coastal communities
    Cinti A, Gelcich S, Mangubhai S, Bailey M, Jakub R, Fang JK-H, Nishihara GN.

    One Earth
    Volumen 7, 10

  • Reporte/informe

    + Reporte cumplimiento compromisos Presidente Gabriel Boric (2022-2026) en pesca artesanal, acuicultura y desarrollo costero
    Reyes F.

    Observatorio Políticas Públilcas SECOS

  • Artículo/paper

    + Forecasting adoption with epidemiological models can enable adaptively scaling out conservation
    Clark M, Pienkowski T, Jagadish A, Archibald CL, Gelcich S, Govan H, Naidoo R, Romero-de-Diego C, Weeks R, Mills M.

    One Earth
    Volumen 7, 10

  • Artículo/paper

    +Towards Sustainable Antibiotic Use in Aquaculture and Antimicrobial Resistance: Participatory Experts’ Overview and Recommendations
    Farías DR, Ibarra R, Estévez RA, Tlusty MF, Nyberg O, Troell M, Avendaño-Herrera R, Norden W.

    Volumen 13, 9: 887

  • Libros/Capítulos

    + Research on Rocky Shores in Brazil: Advances and Contributions to International Fora. Brazilian Rocky Shores
    Pardal A, Jenkins SR, Navarrete SA, Wangkulangkul K, Christofoletti RA.

    Springer International Publishing

  • Artículo/paper

    + Developing capacity for transdisciplinary studies of changing ocean systems
    Renaud PE, Belgrano A, Dupont S, Boyd PW, Collins S, Blenckner T, Drexler M, Hall-Spencer JM, Robinson C, Weber CT, Vargas CA.

    Volumen 38, 1

  • Artículo/paper

    + Does rafting promote contemporary gene flow? Global and regional patterns of population genetic diversity and structure on the false limpet Siphonaria lateralis in the Southern Ocean
    Millán-Medina C, Lizama M, Saucède T, Poulin E, Segovia NI, González-Wevar C.

    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution

    Volumen 12

  • Artículo/paper

    + Physiological resilience of intertidal chitons in a persistent upwelling coastal region
    Fernandez C, Poupin MJ, Lagos NA, Broitman BR, Lardies MA.

    Scientific Reports

    Volumen 14, 21401

  • Libros/Capítulos

    + Hacia una ecología urbana para ciudades costeras: restauración ecológica mediante ecoingeniería y soluciones basadas en la naturaleza. La dimensión marítimo-costera de la modernidad periférica
    Lagos NA, García Herrera C, Lardies MA.

    Editorial Puntángeles 
    Volumen 1

  • Artículo/paper

    + Oceanographical-driven dispersal and environmental variation explain genetic structure in an upwelling coastal ecosystem
    Peluso L, Faúndez J, Navarrete SA, Broitman BR, Aiken C, Sáenz-Agudelo P.

    Scientific Reports
    Volumen 14, 21942

  • Reporte/Informe

    + Legislación relevante en pesca artesanal, acuicultura y desarrollo costero
    Reyes F.

    Observatorio Políticas Públilcas SECOS 
    Legislatura No. 371 / 11 de Marzo 2023-10 de Marzo 2024. Reporte Legislativo No.3

  • Artículo/paper

    + An assessment of potential interventions to reduce the totoaba illegal trade market
    Oyanedel R, Aceves-Bueno E, Davids L, Cisneros-Mata MÁ.

    Conservation Biology
    Volumen 38, 5

  • Artículo/paper

    + Genetic homogeneity and weak signatures of local adaptation in the marine mussel Mytilus chilensis
    Segovia NI, Coral-Santa Cruz D, Haye PA.

    Scientific Reports
    Volumen 14, 21081

  • Artículo/paper

    + Lipids remodeling in phytoplankton exposed to multi-environmental drivers in a mesocosm experiment
    Cantarero SI, Flores E, Allbrook H, Aguayo P, Vargas CA, Tamanaha JE, Scholz JBC, Bach LT, Löscher CR, Riebesell U, Rajagopalan B, Dildar N, Sepúlveda J.

    Volumen 21, 17

  • Artículo/paper

    + Exploring perceptions towards biodiversity conservation in urban parks: Insights on acceptability and design attributes
    Chinga J, Murúa M, Gelcich S.

    Journal of Urban Management
    Volumen 13, 3

  • Artículo/paper

    + Conservation triage in action: Planning, governance and knowledge co-production for biodiversity protection
    Martínez-Harms MJ, Estévez RA, Álvarez-Miranda E.

    Journal of Applied Ecology
    Volumen 61, 10

  • Artículo/paper

    + Characterization of Multi-Decadal Beach Changes in Cartagena Bay (Valparaíso, Chile) from Satellite Imagery
    Briceño de Urbaneja IC, Pardo-Pascual JE, Cabezas-Rabadán C, Aguirre C, Martínez C, Pérez-Martínez W, Palomar-Vázquez J.
    Remote Sens.
    Volumen 16, 2360

  • Artículo/paper

    + Effects of ocean acidification and warming on physiological and behavioural responses of an herbivore snail to waterborne predator cues.
    Benítez S, Lagos NA, Duarte C, Cid MJ. Environmental Pollution 
    Volumen 340, Part 1

  • Artículo/paper

    + Interactive impact of residual pyrethroid compounds used in the Chilean salmon farming industry and coastal acidification conditions on the feeding performance of farmed mussels in northern Patagonia
    Conejeros A, San Martin VA, Castillo N, Cuevas LA, Garcés K, Barra RO, Aguilera VM, Vargas CA.
    Marine Environmental Research
    Volumen 77, 10361

  • Artículo/paper

    + Climate projections of oceanographic variables in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Ecuador: A 21st century perspective to inform impact and adaptation assessment

    Winckler P, Farías L, Vicuña S, Esparza C, Mora J, Chubretovic R, Cabrera F, Zambrano-Sánchez N, Caza P, González RA.

    Regional Studies in Marine Science
    Volumen 77, 103612

  • Artículo/paper

    + Baited remote underwater video stations as a potential tool for assessing coastal rocky fishes in Chile
    Irigoyen AJ, Flores A, Gacitúa S, Merlo P, Wiff R, Canales TM.
    Fisheries Management and Ecology
    Volumen 31, e12665

  • Artículo/paper
    + CDOM dynamics in two coastal zones influenced by contrasting land uses in northern Patagonia
    Curra-Sánchez ED, Valerio AM, Lara C, García-Tuñon W, Broitman BR, Saldías GS, Nimptsch J, Vargas CA
    Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
    Volumen 306, 108897

  • Artículo/paper
    + Variability in oceanographic conditions affecting Mesophotic Ecosystems along the South Eastern Pacific: Latitudinal trends and potential for climate refugia
    de la Maza L, Wieters EA, Beldade R, Landaeta MF, Perez-Matus A, Navarrete SA.
    Journal of Marine Systems
    Volumen 245, 103999

  • Artículo/paper
    + Microbial community and network responses across strong environmental gradients: How do they compare with macroorganisms?
    Arboleda-Baena C, Freilich M, Pareja CB, Logares R, De la Iglesia R, Navarrete SA.
    FEMS Microbiology Ecology
    Volumen 100, fiae017

  • Artículo/paper
    + Situational crime analysis of poaching within Territorial Use Rights Fisheries (TURFs)
    Vallejos T, Nahuelhual L, Gelcich S, Oyanedel R.
    Frontiers in Marine Science
    Volumen 11

  • Artículo/paper
    + Microplastics in seafood: Consumer preferences and valuation for mitigation technologies
    Barrientos M, Vásquez-Lavín F, Ponce Oliva RD, Nayga Jr RM, Gelcich S.
    Food Research International
    Volumen 187, 114342

  • Artículo/paper
    + Economic valuation of Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB): Methodological challenges, policy implications, and an empirical application
    Carias J, Vásquez-Lavín F, Barrientos M, Ponce Oliva RD, Gelcich S.
    Journal of Environmental Management
    Volumen 365, 121566

  • Artículo/paper
    + Variación temporal en estimaciones de abundancia de Panopea abbreviata en diferentes sustratos: Monitoreo mediante vídeo remoto de bajo costo en el Golfo San Matías, Atlántico Sur
    Arijon M, Castro K, Trobbiani G, Aguayo G, Wiff R, Irigoyen AJ.
    Ecología Austral
    Volumen 34, 2

  • Artículo/paper
    + Modelling density on historical aggregation areas improves biomass estimates in yellow squat lobster off Chile
    Cusba J, Queirolo D, Ahumada M, Apablaza P, Paramo J, Wiff R.
    Fisheries Research
    Volumen 275, 107026

  • Artículo/paper

    + Sensitivity of the stock assessment for the Antarctic krill fishery to time-varying natural and fishing mortality

    Deehr Johannessen E, Krafft BA, Donovan CR, Wiff R, Caneco B, Lowther A.
    Fisheries Management and Ecology.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Modelling pollination maps in agroecosystems of a Chilean biodiversity hotspot
    Lavín U, Martínez-Harms MJ, Celis-Diez JL, Francois JP, Aguirre Y, Martínez-Harms J.
    Ecosystems and People
    Volumen 20, 2358471

  • Artículo/paper
    + Integrated actions across multiple sustainable development goals (SDGs) can help address coastal ocean acidification
    Vargas CA, Gelcich S.
    Communications Earth & Environment
    Volumen 5, 319

  • Artículo/paper
    + Environmental correlates of oyster farming in an upwelling system: Implication upon growth, biomass production, shell strength and organic composition
    Saavedra LM, Bastías M, Mendoza P, Lagos NA, García-Herrera C, Ponce V, Alvarez F, Llanos-Rivera A.
    Marine Environmental Research
    Volumen 198, 106489

  • Artículo/paper
    + Molecular evidence for a new endemic species of Acartia (Copepoda, Calanoida) from the Southeast Pacific coast
    Mesas A, Aguilera VM, González CE, Giesecke R, Escribano R, Vargas CA.
    Scientific Reports
    Volumen 14, 12366

  • Artículo/paper
    + Understanding the impacts of coastal deoxygenation in nitrogen dynamics: an observational analysis
    Farías L, de la Maza L.
    Scientific Reports
    Volumen 14, 11826

  • Artículo/paper
    + Alginate Oligosaccharides Protect Gastric Epithelial Cells against Oxidative Stress Damage through Induction of the Nrf2 Pathway
    Acevedo S, Covarrubias AA, Haeger P, Pancetti F, Tala F, de la Fuente-Ortega E.
    Volumen 13, 618

  • Artículo/paper
    + Biogeochemical Response of the Water Column of Concepción Bay, Chile, to a New Regime of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Variability
    Bustos-Espinoza L, Torres-Ramírez P, Figueroa S, González PS, Pavez MA, Jerez R, Saldías GS, Espinoza C, Galán A.
    Volumen 14, 125

  • Artículo/paper
    + Applying machine learning to predict reproductive condition in fish
    Flores A, Wiff R, Donovan CR, Gálvez P.
    Ecological Informatics
    Volumen 80, 102481

  • Artículo/paper
    + Combining population genomics and biophysical modelling to assess connectivity patterns in an Antarctic fish
    Bernal-Durán V, Donoso D, Piñones A, Jonsson PR, Benestan L, Landaeta MF, Naretto J, Gerard K, Haye PA, Gonzalez-Wevar C, Poulin E, Segovia NI.
    Molecular Ecology
    Volumen 33, e17360

  • Artículo/paper
    + Estimating Residential Water Demand Under Systematic Shifts Between Uniform Price (UP) and Increasing Block Tariffs (IBT)
    Chovar Vera AM, Vásquez-Lavín F, Ponce Oliva R.
    Water Resources Researchc
    Volumen 60, e2022WR033508

  • Artículo/paper
    + Exploring links between local knowledge, values and livelihoods in land-sea interface: insights on emerging tradeoffs and change in Southern Chile
    Barceló M, Tengö M, Simonetti JA, Gelcich, S.
    Ecosystems and People
    Volumen 20

  • Artículo/paper
    + Spatial interactions between perceived biophilic values and neighborhood typologies in urban wetlands
    Villagra P, Rojas C, Rojas O, Alves S.
    City and Built Environment
    Volumen 2, 3

  • Artículo/paper
    + Observations of river-wave interactions at a small-scale river mouth
    Roco A, Flores RP, Williams ME, Saldías GS.
    Coastal Engineering
    Volumen 189, 104456

  • Artículo/paper
    + Transient species driving ecosystem multifunctionality: Insights from competitive interactions between rocky intertidal mussels
    Betancourtt C, Catalán AM, Morales-Torres DF, Lopez DN, Escares-Aguilera V, Salas-Yanquin LP, Büchner-Miranda JA, Chaparro OR, Nimptsch J, Broitman BR, Valdivia N.
    Marine Environmental Research
    Volumen 196, 106422

  • Artículo/paper
    + A temporal analysis of the consequences of the drought regime on the water footprint of agriculture in the Guadalupe Valley, Mexico
    Novoa V, Rojas C, Rojas O, Ahumada-Rudolph R, Moreno-Santoyo R.
    Scientific Reports
    Volumen 14, 6114

  • Artículo/paper
    + Physical, biological, and chemical inter-processes in fjords
    Pérez-Santos I, Díaz PA, Ross L, Riquelme-Bugueño R, Lara C, Barrera F, Díaz-Astudillo M, Muñoz R, Ladaeta M, Linford P, Schwerter C, Arenas-Uribe S, Navarro P, Mancilla-Gutiérrez G, Jorquera E, Saldías GS.
    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2024

  • Artículo/paper
    + A species distribution model of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera: Worldwide changes and a focus on the Southeast Pacific
    Gonzalez-Aragon D, Rivadeneira MM, Lara C, Torres FI, Vásquez JA, Broitman BR.
    Ecology and Evolution
    Volumen 14, e10901

  • Artículo/paper
    + Environmental DNA reveals temporal variation in mesophotic reefs of the Humboldt upwelling ecosystems of central Chile: Toward a baseline for biodiversity monitoring of unexplored marine habitats
    Saenz-Agudelo P, Ramirez P, Beldade R, Campoy AN, Garmendia V, Search FV, Fernández M, Wieters EA, Navarrete SA, Landaeta MF, Pérez-Matus A.
    Ecology and Evolution
    Volumen 14, e10999

  • Artículo/paper
    + Marine ecosystem-based management: challenges remain, yet solutions exist, and progress is occurring
    Haugen JB, Link JS, Cribari K, Bundy A, Dickey-Collas M, Leslie HM, Hall J, Fulton EA, Levenson JJ, Parsons DM, Hassellöv IM, Olsen E, DePiper GS, Gentry RR, Clark DE, Brainard RE, Mateos-Molina D, Borja A, Gelcich S, Guilhon M, Ban NC, Pedreschi D, Khan A, Chuenpagdee R, Large SI, Defeo O, Shannon L, Bailey SA, Jordan A, Agnalt AL.
    npj Ocean Susaintability
    Volumen 3, 7

  • Artículo/paper
    + Both high and low dispersal? Apparently contradictory genetic patterns in the Antarctic littorinid gastropod Laevilacunaria antarctica
    González-Wevar CA, Poveda Y, Segovia NI, Rosenfeld S, Maturana CS, Jeldres V, Schmider-Martínez A, Gérard K, Spencer HG, Poulin E.
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
    Volumen 11, 1320649

  • Artículo/paper
    + Emergent Spatial Patterns Can Indicate Upcoming Regime Shifts in a Realistic Model of Coral Community
    Génin A, Navarrete SA, Garcia-Mayor A, Wieters EA.
    The American Naturalist
    Volumen 203, 2

  • Artículo/paper
    + The role of land inequality in the poverty-forest loss nexus patterns: A case study from Chile
    Nahuelhual L, Jullian C, Von Below J, Laterra P.
    Journal of Rural Studies
    Volumen 105, 103192

  • Artículo/paper
    + Using expert knowledge to propose recreational marine reef-fish management measures in Chile
    Estévez RA, Godoy N, Araya M, Azocar C, de la Barra C, Bardi F, Fernández-Urzúa F, García M, Hiriart-Bertrand L, Lomonico S, Medina M, Naretto J, Ojeda FP, Pequeño G, Ponce F, Pulgar J, Pérez-Matus A, Rivera J, Smith A, Toro Da Ponte J, Torres-Cañete F, Vásquez JA, Gelcich S.
    Conservation Science and Practice
    Volumen 6, e13057

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + Representativeness Assessment and Identification of Priorities for the Protection of Terrestrial Ecosystems in Chilean Patagonia
    Pliscoff P, Martínez-Harms MJ, Fuentes-Castillo,T.
    Conservation in Chilean Patagonia, Integrated Science
    Volumen 19, 69

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + An Integrated Conservation Vision for Chilean Patagonia
    Armesto JJ, Martínez-Harms MJ, Castilla JC, Fuentes-Castillo
    Conservation in Chilean Patagonia, Integrated Science
    Volumen 19, 3

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + Drivers of Change in Ecosystems of Chilean Patagonia: Current and Projected Trends
    Nahuelhual L, Carmona A.
    Conservation in Chilean Patagonia, Integrated Science
    Volumen 19, 445

  • Artículo/paper
    + Seasonal growth rates of gooseneck barnacles (Lepas spp.): Proxies for floating time of rafts in marine ecosystems
    Goehlich H, Luna-Jorquera G, Drapeau Picard AP, Pantoja J, Tala F, Thiel M.
    Marine Biology
    Volumen 172, 36

  • Artículo/paper
    + Brown seaweeds fishery and copper mining production: Two distant economic industries connected by socioecological impacts in Northern Chile
    Vásquez JA, Morales C, Vallone A.
    Marine Policy

  • Artículo/paper
    + Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers – Challenge 4: Develop a Sustainable and Equitable Ocean Economy.
    Haugan P, Rhodes A, Hollaway E, Abdul Rahman M, Appiott J, DeBeauville-Scott S, Gelcich S, Gericksky E, Gonzales Quiros R, Harms E, Heaps L, Hospes E, James P, Jeremie MM, Jumbe AS, Kostka WN, Mokenye J, Noonan-Birch R, Park G, Solis Rivera V, Thiele T.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Ocean Decade Vision 2030 White Papers – Challenge 3: Ocean Contributions to Nourishing the World’s Population
    Agostini V, Olsen E, Tiffay C, Alison E, Coetzee J, Cojocaru AL, Costello C, Darias MJ, Fabinyi M, Fulton B, Gelcich S, Haraksingh Thilsted S, Hassouni, FZ, Mills K, Msuva F, Obura D, Tigchellar M.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Monitoring data poor small-scale estuarine fisheries: a proposal from the striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) fishery in the Rapel River, Chile
    Wiff R, Flores A, Peralta L, Estévez RA, Gacitúa S, Gelcich S.
    Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
    Volumen 52, 473-485

  • Artículo/paper
    + Picoplanktonic methane production in eutrophic surface waters
    Tenorio SE, Farías L.
    Biogeosciences Discuss
    Volumen 21

  • Artículo/paper
    + Public attitudes and perceptions towards the ocean as an input for public policy
    Nahuelhual L, von Below J, Engler A, Campos G, Bianchi J.
    Ocean & Coastal Management
    Volumen 254, 107175

  • Artículo/paper
    + Morphological and Molecular Identification of Ulva spp. (Ulvophyceae; Chlorophyta) from Algarrobo Bay, Chile: Understanding the Composition of Green Tides
    Mutizabal-Aros J, Ramírez ME, Haye PA, Meynard A, Pinilla-Rojas B, Núñez A, Latorre-Padilla N, Search FV, Tapia FJ, Saldías GS, Navarrete S, Contreras-Porcia L.
    Volumen 13, 1258

  • Artículo/paper
    + Emerging energy sources' social acceptability: Evidence from marine-based energy projects
    Ponce Oliva RD, Estay M, Barrientos M, Estévez RA, Gelcich S, Vásquez-Lavín F.
    Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review
    Volumen 198, 114429

  • Artículo/paper
    + Legislative science advice in Chile: exploring twelve years of knowledge producers participation in environmental committee discussions
    Reyes-Mendy F, Gelcich S, Opazo-Pina V.
    The Journal of Legislative Studies
    Volumen 30

  • Artículo/paper
    + Marine ecosystem-based management: challenges remain, yet solutions exist, and progress is occurrin
    Haugen JB, Link JS, Cribari K, Bundy A, Dickey-Collas M, Leslie HM, Hall J, Fulton EA, Levenson JJ, Parsons DM, Hassellöv IM, Olsen E, DePiper GS, Gentry RR, Clark DE, Brainard RE, Mateos-Molina D, Borja A, Gelcich S, Guilhon M, Ban NC, Pedreschi D, Khan A, Chuenpagdee R, Large SI, Defeo O, Shannon L, Bailey SA, Jordan A, Agnalt AL.
    npj Ocean Susaintability
    Volumen 3, 7

  • Artículo/paper
    + Anticipating trade-offs and promoting synergies between small-scale fisheries and aquaculture to improve social, economic, and ecological outcomes
    Mansfield EJ, Micheli F, Fujita R, Fulton EA, Gelcich S, Battista W, Bustamante RH, Cao L, Daniels BN, Finkbeiner EM, Gaines S, Peckham H, Roche K, Ruckelshaus M, Salomon AK, Sumaila UR, White C & Naylor R.
    npj Ocean Susaintability
    Volumen 3

  • Artículo/paper
    + Assessing the performance of a participatory governance transformation in small-scale fisheries: A case study from Uruguay
    Bausero-Jorcin S, Gelcich S, Gianelli I, Jorge-Romero G, Lezama C, Defeo O.
    Marine Policy
    Volumen 160, 105964

  • Artículo/paper
    + Pan traps: An effective tool for monitoring phenological changes in insect floral visitors and their relationship with floral resources in a coastal Mediterranean forest
    Chinga J, Murúa M, Barahona-Segovia RM, Gelcich S.
    Ecological Indicators
    Volumen 158, 111336

  • Artículo/paper
    + Baited remote underwater video stations as a potential tool for assessing coastal rocky fishes in Chile
    Irigoyen AJ, Flores A, Gacitúa S, Merlo P, Wiff R, Canales TM.
    Fisheries Management and Ecology
    Volumen 31, 12665

  • Artículo/paper
    + Mito-nuclear discordance and phylogeography of the surf clam Mesodesma donacium along the Southeast Pacific coast
    Liza CR, Stotz WB, Haye PA.
    Zoologica Scripta
    Volumen 53, 175

  • Artículo/paper
    + Aquaculture governance: five engagement arenas for sustainability transformation
    Partelow P, Asif F, Béné C, Bush S, Manlosa AO, Nagel B, Schlüter A, Chadag VM, Choudhury A, Cole SM, Cottrell RS, Gelcich S, Gentry R, Gephart JA, Glaser M, Johnson TR, Jonell M, Krause G, Kunzmann A, Kühnhold H, Turchini GM.
    Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
    Volumen 65, 101379

  • Artículo/paper
    + History, control, epidemiology, ecology, and economy of the invasion of European rabbits in Chile: a comparison with Australia 
    Correa-Cuadros JP, Flores-Benner G, Muñoz-Rodríguez MA, Briceño C, Díaz M, Strive T, Vásquez F, Jaksic FM.
    Biological Invasions
    Volumen 25, 309.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Toward Water Security (SDG 6) amidst the Climate and Water Crisis: Lessons from Chile
    Rivera R, Leal C, Barra RO.
    Environemntal Science & Technology
    Volumen 57, 12940

  • Artículo/paper
    + A global-level assessment of gulls (Larus spp.) as bioindicators of trace elements in coastal ecosystems
    Bahamonde P, Espejo W, Celis J, Montes IY, Barra RO.
    Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
    Volumen 51

  • Artículo/paper
    + Prokaryotic community dynamics and nitrogen-cycling genes in an oxygen-deficient upwelling system during La Niña and El Niño conditions
    Pajares S, Merino-Ibarra M, Farías L
    Environmental Microbiology
    Volumen 25, 1281

  • Artículo/paper
    + Foundation species canopies affect understory beta diversity differently depending on species mobility

    Catalán AM, López DN, Fica-Rojas E, Broitman BR, Valdivia N, Scrosati RA.
    Volumen 104

  • Informe/Documento:
    + The Fisheries Co-Management Guidebook: Emerging Research for the Effective Management of Small-Scale Fisheries
    P Smallhorn-West, RA Abesamis, D Boso, J Cinner, PH Cohen, S Gelcich, HB Harrison, G Jones, SD Jupiter, F Khan, JD Lau, S Lawless, S Mangubhai, DJ Mills, M Mills, SH Peckham, RL Pressey, S Raj, C Ruano-Chamorro, A Tilley, J Tullos, H Ullah.
    World Fish, Wildlife Conservation Society, CGIAR, James Cook University, SECOS. 2023 |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Priorities for progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 14 ‘Life below water’
    J Lubchenco, EF Camp, CA Vargas, D Belhabib, Z Anna, DJ Amon, A Metaxas, H Harden-Davies.
    Nature Ecology & Evolution. 2023 |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Direct and indirect impacts of ocean acidification and warming on algae-herbivore interactions in intertidal habitats
    S Benítez, JM Navarro, D Mardones, PA Villanueva, F Ramirez-Kushel, R Torres, NA Lagos.
    Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2023 |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Marine invertebrates as proxies for early kelp use along the western coast of South America
    Alcalde V, Flores C, Guardia J, Olguín L, Broitman BR.
    Frontiers in Earth Science. 2023 | Volumen 11, 1148299

  • Artículo/paper
    + Disparities in the impacts of co-management on fishers’ livelihoods
    Ruano-Chamorro C, Gurney GG, Barnes ML, Gelcich S, Cinner JE.
    Sustainability Science. 2023 |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Vulnerability of blue foods to human-induced environmental change
    Cao L, Halpern BS, Troell M, Short R, Zeng C, Jiang Z, Liu Y, Zou C, Liu C, Liu S, Liu X, Cheung WWL, Cottrell RS, DeClerck F, Gelcich S, Gephart JA, Godo-Solo D, Ihilani Kaull J, Micheli F, Naylor RL, Payne HJ, Selig ER, Sumaila UR, Tigchelaar M.
    Nature Sustainability. 2023.|

  • Artículo/paper
    + Monitoring the fabric of nature: using allometric trophic network models and observations to assess policy effects on biodiversity
    Navarrete SA, Ávila-Thieme MI,
    Valencia D, Génin A, Gelcich S.
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 2023.| Volume 387, 20220189

  • Artículo/paper
    + NetworkExtinction: An R package to simulate extinction propagation and rewiring potential in ecological networks
    Ávila-Thieme MI,
    Kusch E, Corcoran D, Castillo SP, Valdovinos FS, Navarrete SA, Marquet PA.
    Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2023 |

  • Informe/documento
    + Hacia la sustentabilidad en la pesquería artesanal de merluza común
    Oceana, Future of Fish, Advanced Conservation Strategies y SECOS. 2023.|
    Ver informe aquí

  • Artículo/paper
    + Inclusive diets within planetary boundaries
    Kawarazuka N, Mabhaudhi T, Green R, Scheelbeek P, Ambikapathi R, Robinson J, Mangnus E, Béné C, Cavatassi R, Kalita U, Gelcich S, Cheserek M, Mbago-Bhunu S, Trevenen-Jones A.
    One Earth. 2023.| Volume 6, 443

  • Artículo/paper
    + Comparative population genetics of congeneric limpets across a biogeographic transition zone reveals common patterns of genetic structure and demographic history
    Peluso L, Broitman BR, Lardies MA, Nespolo RF, Saenz-Agudelo P
    Molecular Ecology. 2023.|

  • Artículo/paper
    + Seaweed Biochar (Sourced from Marine Water Remediation Farms)for Soil Remediation: Towards an Integrated Approach of Terrestrial-Coastal Marine Water Remediation
    Ginocchio R, Araya M, Machado J, de la Fuente LM, Orrego F, Arellano EC, Contreras-Porcia L.
    BioResources. 2023.| Volume 18

  • Artículo/paper
    + Controlled cultivation of different stages of Pyropia orbicularis (Rhodophyta; Bangiales) from the South Pacific coast
    Piña F,
    Núñez A, Araya M, Rivas J, Hernández C, Bulboa C, Contreras-Porcia L.
    Aquaculture Reports. 2023.| Volume 30, 101594

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + Common Oversights in the Design and Monitoring of Ecosystem-Based Management Plans and the Siting of Marine Protected Areas
    Navarrete SA
    , Aiken CM, Ávila-Thieme MI, Valencia D, Génin A, Gelcich S.
    Book: Social and Ecological Interactions in the Galapagos Islands | 2023.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Land–Sea Interactions and Ecosystem Services: Research Gaps and Future Challenges
    Barceló M, Vargas CA, Gelcich S.

    Sustainability. 2023.| Volume 15, 8068

  • Artículo/paper
    + Artisanal fishers’ perceptions of two co-existing kelp resource management regimes in northern Chile
    González-Roca F, Pérez-Ruzafa A, Vásquez JA, Gelcich S.
    Marine Policy. 2023.| Volume 153, 105610

  • Artículo/paper
    + Do phytoplankton require oxygen to survive? A hypothesis and model synthesis from oxygen minimum zones
    Wong JCY, Raven JA, Aldunate M, Silva S, Gaitán-Espitia JD, Vargas CA, Ulloa O, von Dassow P.
    Limnology and Oceanography. 2023.|

  • Otras publicaciones/Manual
    + Manual para la Creación de Indicadores de Bienestar Humano en Áreas Protegidas de Chile
    Biedenweg K, Martínez-Harms MJ, Nahuelhual L.
    Zenodo. 2023.|

  • Artículo/paper
    + From past behavior to intentions: Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to explore noncompliance in small-scale fisheries
    Vallejos T, Engler A, Nahuelhual L, Gelcich S.
    Ocean & Coastal Management. 2023.| Volume 239, 106615

  • Artículo/paper
    + Into The Blue: Securing a Sustainable Future for Kelp Forests
    K Filbee-Dexter, S Lutz, G Grimsditch, L Jonsson, G Sander, H Gundersen, AA Rogers, AJ Smit, AM Jackson, A Watanabe, B Flack, C LaVoie, C Meyer-Rodrigues, C Duarte, CD Hepburn, C Feehan, D Fujita, F Sundnes, FJ Platjouw, G Gnanalingam, HI Rodrigues, J Verbeek, JH Kim, J Zimmerhackel, JJ Bolton, JL Pérez-Lloréns, J Lorda, JA Vásquez, K Schoenrock-Rossiter, K Frangoudes, KM Norderhaug, L Greenhill, M Hessing-Lewis, N King, P Bakken, P Moore, R Martone, R Beas-Luna, S Bennett, T de Bettignies, T Vegh, T Bringloe, T Bekkby, W Nelson.
    2023 United Nations Environment Programme

  • Artículo/paper
    + Mitigating elasmobranch fin trade: A market analysis for made-to-measure interventions
    Haque AB, Oyanedel R, Cavanagh RD.
    Science of The Total Environment. 2023.| Volume 862

  • Artículo/paper
    + Differential gene expression analysis in the scallop Argopecten purpuratus exposed to altered pH and temperature conditions in an upwelling-influenced farming area
    Benítez S, Figueroa A, Lagos NA, Silva AX, Duarte C, Vargas CA, Lardies MA, Cárdenas L.
    Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part D: Genomics and Proteomics. 2023.| Volume 45, 160716

  • Artículo/paper
    + Closing the compliance gap in marine protected areas with human behavioural sciences
    Bergseth BJ, Arias A, Barnes ML, Caldwell I, Datta A, Gelcich S, Ham SH, Lau JD, Ruano-Chamorro C, Smallhorn-West P, Weekers D, Zamborain-Mason J, Cinner JE.
    Fish and Fisheries. 2023.|

  • Artículo/paper
    + Shedding light on variation in reproductive success through studies of population genetic structure in a Southeast Pacific Coast mussel
    Haye PA, NI Segovia.
    Heredity. 2023. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Indoor and Outdoor Cultures of Gracilaria chilensis: Determination of Biomass Growth and Molecular Markers for Biomass Quality Evaluation
    Caroca-Valencia S, Rivas J, Araya M, Núñez A, Piña F, Toro-Mellado F,
    Contreras-Porcia L.
    Plants. 2023. | Volume 12, 1340.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Reframing illegal fishing in small-scale fisheries as a wicked problem
    Nahuelhual L, Vallejos T, Campos G, Vergara X, Gelcich S, Estévez R.
    Fish and Fisheries. 2023. | 12741

  • Artículo/paper
    + Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations
    Crona BI,
    Wassénius E, Jonell M, Koehn JZ, Short R, Tigchelaar M, Daw TM, Golden CD, Gephart JA, Allison EH, Bush SR, Cao L, Cheung WWL, DeClerck F, Fanzo J, Gelcich S, Kishore A, Halpern BS, Hicks CC, Leape KP, Little DC, Micheli F, Naylor RL, Phillips M, Selig ER, Springmann M, Sumaila UR, Troell M, Thilsted SH. Wabnitz CCC.
    Nature. 2023. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Seaweed restocking along the Chilean coast: History, present, and inspiring recommendations for sustainability
    Oyarzo-Miranda C,
    Otaíza R, Bellorín A, Vega J.M. A, Tala F, Lagos NA, Oyarzún FX, Estévez RA, Latorre-Padilla N, Mora Tapia AM, Figueroa-Fábrega L, Jara-Yáñez R, Bulboa C, Contreras-Porcia L.
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023. | Volume 9.

  • Policy Brief
    + Co-creación de conocimiento para minimizar impactos socioambientales y viabilizar la inversión: nueva normativa aplicable a una desalinización sustentable
    Couve A, Farias L, Moraga P, Moreno R, Olivares M.
    Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo de la Universidad de Chile. 2023.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Desiccation Stress Tolerance in Porphyra and Pyropia Species: A Latitudinal Analysis along the Chilean Coast
    Contreras-Porcia L,
    Meynard A, Piña F, Kumar M, Lovazzano C, Núñez A, Flores-Molina MR.
    Plants. 2023. | Volume 12, 12

  • Artículo/paper
    + Mapping Firms' adaptive profiles: The role of experiences and risk perception in the aquaculture industry
    Fernández FJ, Muñoz M, Ponce Oliva RD, Vásquez-Lavín F, Gelcich S.
    Aquaculture. 2022. | Volume 562, 738802

  • Artículo/paper
    + A modeling study of hydrographic and flow variability along the river-influenced coastal ocean off central Chile
    Rojas CM, Saldías GS
    , Flores RP, Vásquez SI, Salas C, Vargas CA.
    Ocean Modelling. 2023. | Volume 181, 102155

  • Artículo/paper
    + Slow and steady hurts the crab: Effects of chronic and acute microplastic exposures on a filter feeder crab
    Urbina MA, Silva Montes C, Schäfer A, Castillo N, Urzúa A, Lagos ME.
    Science of The Total Environment. 2022. | Volume 857, 159135

  • Artículo/paper
    + Chemical composition and heavy metal content of Chilean seaweeds: Potential applications of seaweed meal as food and feed ingredients
    Véliz K, Toledo P, Araya M, Gómez MF, Villalobos V, Tala F.
    Food Chemistry. 2023. | Volume 398, 133866

  • Artículo/paper
    + Restaurateurs’ context, decisions, and views on supporting sustainable seafood: Insights from Chile
    Donlan CJ,
    Sorice MG, Contreras-Drey FJ, Oyanedel R, Ávila-Thieme MI, Gelcich S.
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022. | Volume 9, 1009130

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + GEOlibro “Hacia una Ley de Costas en Chile: bases para una Gestión integrada de Áreas Litorales”
    Editores: Carolina Martínez, Rodrigo Cienfuegos, Juan Manuel Barragán, Sergio Navarrete, Rodrigo Hidalgo, Federico Arenas y Luis Fuentes
    GeoLibros, Instituto de Geografía Universidad Católica. 2022. | GeoLibro N°30
    Accede al documento aquí

  • Reporte/informe
    + Evaluación del marco normativo y de las políticas públicas para la conservación de humedales en ciudades. Recomendaciones para Latinoamérica
    Carolina Rojas,
    Juanita Aldana-Domínguez, Paola Moschella, Caroline Stamm, Carlos Javier Velásquez, Ingrid Capera
    Centro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para América Latina y el Caribe (CODS). 2022. | Volume 16.
    Accede al documento aquí

  • Artículo/paper
    + Metabolic rate allometry in intertidal mussels across environmental gradients: The role of coastal carbonate system parameters in mediating the effects of latitude and temperature
    Fabio A Labra, Valeska A San Martín, Nicole Jahnsen-Guzmán, Carolina Fernández, Javier Zapata, M Roberto García-Huidobroro, Cristián Duarte, Claudio García-Herrera, Juan F Vivanco, Marco A Lardies, Nelson A Lagos
    Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2022. | Volume 184, 114149

  • Artículo/paper
    + Analysis of the contribution of locally derived wastewater to the occurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Antarctic coastal waters
    Allessandra Perfetti-Bolaño, Katherine Muñoz, Alan S. Kolok, Alberto Araneda, Ricardo O. Barra
    Science of The Total Environment. 2022. | Volume 562, 738802

  • Artículo/paper
    + Analysis of Climate-Related Risks for Chile’s Coastal Settlements in the ARClim Web Platform
    Patricio Winckler, Manuel Contreras-López, René Garreaud, Francisco Meza, Cristián Larraguibel, César Esparza, Stefan Gelcich, Mark Falvey, and Javiera Mora
    Water. 2022. | Volume 14, 3594

  • Artículo/paper
    + Long term environmental variability modulates the epigenetics of maternal traits of kelp crabs in the coast of Chile
    Simone Baldanzi, Gonzalo S. Saldías, Cristian A. Vargas & Francesca Porri
    Scientific Reports. 2022. | Volume 12, 18806

  • Artículo/paper
    + Continental shelf off northern Chilean Patagonia: A potential risk zone for the onset of Alexandrium catenella toxic bloom?
    Camilo Rodríguez-Villegas, Rosa I. Figueroa, Iván Pérez-Santos, Carlos Molinet, Gonzalo S. Saldías, Sergio A. Rosales, Gonzalo Álvarez, Pamela Linford, Patricio A. Díaz
    Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2022. | Volume 851, 158116

  • Artículo/paper
    + The programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS) – a decade of deepening social-ecological research through a place-based focus
    Albert V. Norström, Bina Agarwal, Patricia Balvanera, Brigitte Baptiste, Elena M. Bennett, Eduardo Brondízio, Reinette Biggs, Bruce Campbell, Stephen R. Carpenter, Juan Carlos Castilla, Antonio J. Castro, Wolfgang Cramer, Graeme S. Cumming, María Felipe-Lucia, Joern Fischer, Carl Folke, Ruth DeFries, Stefan Gelcich, Juliane Groth, Chinwe Ifejika Speranza, Sander Jacobs, Johanna Hofmann, Terry P Hughes, David P.M. Lam, Jacqueline Loos, Amanda Manyani, Berta Martín-López, Megan Meacham, Hannah Moersberger, Harini Nagendra, Laura Pereira, Stephen Polasky, Michael Schoon, Lisen Schultz, Odirilwe Selomane & Marja Spierenburg
    Ecosystems and People. 2022. | Volume 18: 1, 598-608

  • Artículo/paper
    + Phylogeography reveals a panmictic population of the Chilean nylon shrimp along its exploitation range in the southeast Pacific Ocean
    Pilar A. Haye, Nicolás I. Segovia,
    Raúl Vera & Enzo Acuña
    Organisms Diversity & Evolution. 2022. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Rights and representation support justice across aquatic food systems
    Christina C. Hicks, Jessica A. Gephart, J. Zachary Koehn, Shinnosuke Nakayama, Hanna J. Payne, Edward H. Allison, Dyhia Belhbib, Ling Cao, Philippa J. Cohen, Jessica Fanzo, Etienne Fluet-Chouinard, Stefan Gelcich, Christopher D. Golden, Kelvin D. Gorospe, Moenieba Isaacs, Caitlin. D. Kuempel, Kai N. Lee, M. Aaron MacNeil, Eva Maire, Jemimah Njuki, Nitya Rao, U. Rashid Sumaila, Elizabeth R. Selig, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, Colette C. C. Wabnitz & Rosamond L. Naylor.
    Nature Food. 2022. | Volume 3, 851

  • Artículo/paper
    + Heavy Metal Depuration Steps for Gracilaria chilensis in Outdoor Culture Systems
    Jorge Rivas, Florentina Piña, Matías Araya, Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Benjamín Pinilla-Rojas, Sofía Caroca,
    Francisca C. Bronfman, and Loretto Contreras-Porcia
    Molecules. 2022. | Volume 27, 6832

  • Artículo/paper
    + Acidification and high-temperature impacts on energetics and shell production of the edible clam Ameghinomya antiqua
    Sebastián I. Martel
    , Carolina Fernández, Nelson A. Lagos, Fabio A. Labra, Cristián Duarte, Juan F. Vivanco, Claudio García-Herrera, Marco A. Lardies
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022. | Volume 9: 972135

  • Artículo/paper
    + Effect of UV-radiation on the physiology of the invasive green seaweed Codium fragile and its associated bacteria
    Eva Rothäusler, Sergey Dobretsov, María Fernanda Gómez, David Jofré-Madariaga, Martin Thiel, Karina Véliz, Fadia Tala
    Marine Environmental Research. 2022. | Volume 180, 105708

  • Artículo/paper
    + Physical-chemical factors influencing the vertical distribution of phototrophic pico-nanoplankton in the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) off Northern Chile: The relative influence of low pH/low O2 conditions
    Edson Piscoya, Peter Von Dassow, Montserrat Aldunate, Cristian A. Vargas
    Marine Environmental Research. 2022. | Volume 180, 105710

  • Artículo/paper
    + Attitudes and behaviors for understanding compliance in Greenland’s Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fishery
    Hunter T. Snyder, Rodrigo Oyanedel, Christopher S. Sneddon, Andrew M. Scheld
    Conservation Science and Practice. 2022. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Influence of kelps nutritional quality on physiological traits of the marine snail Tegula atra (Trochoidea)
    S. Benítez, N. A. Lagos, E. Griesshaber, J. López, P. A. Villanueva, F. Moscoso, J. M. Navarro
    Marine Biology. 2022. | Volume 169

  • Artículo/paper
    + ASKXXI: Ecologies of Interdisciplinary Research and Practice in Art + Science and Technology
    Genevieve G. Tremblay,
    Jeff Brice, Fernanda X. Oyarzún, Nelida Pohl, Belen Gallardo
    Ground Works. 2022. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + A comparison of mixed logit and latent class models to estimate market segments for seafood faced with ocean acidification
    Nelyda Campos-Requena, Felipe Vásquez-Lavin, Francisco Fernández, Manuel Barrientos, Stefan Gelcich, Roberto D. Ponce Oliva.
    Aquaculture Economics & Management. 2022. | Volume 26

  • Reporte/informe
    + Fostering art-science collaborations to tackle environmental challenges
    F Oyarzún, C Pinochet, C Valdés, N Pohl, P Merchant.
    Policy Bristol. Univeristy of Bristol UK. | 2022.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Emergent interactive effects of climate change and contaminants in coastal and ocean ecosystems
    Hatje V, Sarin M, Sander SG, Omanovic D, Ramachandran P, Völker C, Barra RO, Tagliabue A.
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022. | 9: 936109.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Distribution of PAHs and trace elements in Spartina densiflora and associated sediments from low to highly contaminated South American estuarine saltmarshesement
    Mirta L. Menone, Mauricio Díaz-Jaramillo, Francesca Mitton, Daniela S. Garanzini, Patricia Gomes Costa, Leonardo Lupi, Germán Lukaszewicz, Mariana Gonzalez, Solange Jara, Karina S.B. Miglioranza, Gilberto Fillmann, Ricardo O. Barra.
    Science of the Total Environment. 2022. | Volume 842

  • Artículo/paper
    + Parasitism by metacercariae modulates the morphological, organic and mechanical responses of the shell of an intertidal bivalve to environmental drivers
    Oscar Varas, José Pulgar, Cristian Duarte, Claudio García-Herrera, Aldo Abarca-Ortega, Cristian Grenier, Alejandro B. Rodríguez-Navarro, Javier Zapata, Nelson A. Lagos, M. Roberto García-Huidobro, Marcela Aldana
    Science of The Total Environment. 2022. | Volume 830, 154747

  • Artículo/paper
    + Exploring relationships between gender and collective action in artisanal fisher associations of Central Chile
    Camila Vargas Poulsen, Antonella Rivera, Verónica Ortiz, Juan Carlos Castilla, Rodrigo A. Estévez, Francisca Reyes-Mendi, Stefan Gelcich
    Bulletin of Marine Science. 2022. | Volume 98, 3

  • Artículo/paper
    + Assessing the drivers of vessel tracking systems adoption for improved small-scale fisheries management
    Juan A.Silva, María Ignacia Rivera-Hechem, Corinna Hong, Gage Clawson, Barbara Rose Hoover, Thomas Butera, Rodrigo Oyanedel, Gavin McDonald, Raymond Jakub, Umi Muawanah, Armen Zulham, Aki Baihaki, Christopher Costello.
    Ocean & Coastal Management. 2022. | Volume 226,106265

  • Artículo/paper
    + Defining Priority Areas for the Sustainable Development of the Desalination Industry in Chile: A GIS Multi-Criteria Analysis Approach
    Enzo García-Bartolomei, Vanesa Vásquez, Gonzalo Rebolledo, Andrés Vivallo, Tomás Acuña-Ruz, José Rebolledo, Rodrigo Orrego, Ricardo O. Barra
    Sustainabilty. 2022. | Volume 14, 7772

  • Reporte/informe
    + Blue Talks: Camino a la Conferencia de los Océanos 2022, Naciones Unidas
    Coordinación Residente del Sistema de Naciones Unidas y Embajada de Portugal en Chile. Participa: Stefan Gelcich.
    Ver publicación

  • Artículo/paper
    + The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective
    G. Sarà, M. C. Mangano, M. Berlino, L. Corbari, M. Lucchese, G. Milisenda, S. Terzo, M. S. Azaza, J. M. F. Babarro, R. Bakiu, B. R. Broitman, A. H. Buschmann, R. Christofoletti, A. Deidun, Y. Dong, J. Galdies, B. Glamuzina, O. Luthman, P. Makridis, A. J. A. Nogueira, M. G. Palomo, R. Dineshram, G. Rilov, P. Sanchez-Jerez, H. Sevgili, M. Troell, K. Y. AbouelFadl, M. N. Azra, P. Britz, C. Brugere, E. Carrington, I. Celić, F. Choi, C. Qin, T. Dobroslavić, P. Galli, D. Giannetto, J. Grabowski, M. J. H. Lebata-Ramos, P. T. Lim, Y. Liu, S. M. Llorens, G. Maricchiolo, S. Mirto, M. Pećarević, N. Ragg, E. Ravagnan, D. Saidi, K. Schultz, M. Shaltout, C. Solidoro, S. H. Tan, V. Thiyagarajan & B. Helmut
    Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. 2022. | Volume 30

  • Artículo/paper
    + Independent Effects of Species Removal and Asynchrony on Invariability of an Intertidal Rocky Shore Community
    Eliseo Fica-Rojas, Alexis M. Catalán, Bernardo R. Broitman, Alejandro Pérez-Matus, and Nelson Valdivia
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022. | Volume 10: 866950.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude
    Gail V. Ashton, Amy L. Freestone, J. Emmett Duffy, Mark E. Torchin, Brent J. Sewall, Brianna Tracy, Mariano Albano, Andrew H. Altieri, Luciana Altvater, Rolando Bastida-Zavala, Alejandro Bortolus, Antonio Brante, Viviana Bravo, Norah Brown, Alejandro H. Buschmann, Edward Buskey, Rosita Calderón Barrera, Brian Cheng, Rachel Collin, Ricardo Coutinho, Luis de Gracia, Gustavo M. Dias, Claudio Dibacco, Augusto A. V. Flores, Maria Angélica Haddad, Zvi Hoffmann, Bruno Ibañez Erquiaga, Dean Janiak, Analí Jiménez Campeán, Inti Keith, Jean-Charles Leclrec, Orlando Pedro Lecompte-Pérez, Guilherme Ortigara Longo, Helena Matthews-Cascon, Cynthia H. Mckenzie, Jessica Miller, Martín Munizaga, Lais P. D. Naval-Xavier, Sergio A. Navarrete, Carlos Otálora, Lilian A. Palomino-Álvarez, Maria Gabriela Palomo, Chris Patrick, Cormack Pegau, Sandra V. Pereda, Rosana M. Rocha, Carlos Rumbold, Carlos Sánchez, Adolfo San Juan-Muñoz, Carmen Schölder, Evangelina Schwindt, Janina Seemann, Alan Shanks, Nuno Simoes, Luis Skinner, Nancy Yolimar Suárez-Mozo, Martin Thiel, Nelson Valdivia, Ximena Velez-Zuazo, Edson A. Vieira, Bruno Vildoso, Ingo S. Wehrtmann, Matt Whalen, Lynn Wilbur, Gregory M. Ruiz.
    Science. 2022. | Volume 376

  • Artículo/paper
    + Untangling social–ecological interactions: A methods portfolio approach to tackling contemporary sustainability challenges in fisheries
    Lindkvist, E., Pellowe, K. E., Alexander, S. M., Drury O’Neill, E., Finkbeiner, E. M., Girón- Nava, A., González-Mon, B., Johnson, A. F., Pittman, J., Schill, C., Wijermans, N., Bodin, Ö., Gelcich, S., & Glaser, M.
    Fish and Fisheries. 2022. | Volume 00

  • Artículo/paper
    + The vital roles of blue foods in the global food system
    Tigchelaar M, Leape J, Micheli F, Allison EH, Basurto X, Bennett A, Bush SR, Cao L, Cheung WWL, Crona B, DeClerck F, Fanzo J, Gelcich S, Gephart JA, Golden CD, Halpern BS, Hicks CC, Jonell M, Kishore A, Koehn JZ , Little DC, Naylor RL, Phillips MJ, Selig ER, Short RE, Sumaila UR, Thilsted SH , Troell M, Wabnitz CCC.
    Global Food Security. 2022. | Volume 33

  • Artículo/paper
    + Firms adaptation to climate change through product innovation
    Ponce-Oliva RD,
    Huaman J, Vásquez-Lavin F, Barrientos M, Gelcich S
    Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022. | Volume 350

  • Artículo/paper
    + Mapping Coastal Wetlands Using Satellite Imagery and Machine Learning in a Highly Urbanized Landscape
    Munizaga, Juan, Mariano García, Fernando Ureta, Vanessa Novoa, Octavio Rojas, Carolina Rojas.
    Sustainability. 2022. | 14, 9: 5700.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Population genomic analyses reveal hybridization and marked differences in genetic structure of Scurria limpet sister species with parapatric distributions across the South Eastern Pacific
    Pablo Saenz-Agudelo, Lívia Peluso, Roberto Nespolo, Bernardo R. Broitman, Pilar A. Haye, Marco A. Lardies
    Ecology and Evolution. 2022. | 12, e8888

  • Artículo/paper
    + The right tool for the right question: contrasting biogeographic patterns in the notothenioid fish Harpagifer spp. along the Magellan Province
    N. I. Segovia
    , C. A. González-Wevar, J. Naretto, S. Rosenfeld, P. Brickle, M. Hüne, V. Bernal, P. A. Haye and E. Poulin.
    Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 2022. | Volume: 289

  • Artículo/paper
    + Synoptic Flow Variability in a River-Influenced Inner Shelf off Central Chile
    Marcus Sobarzo, Camila Soto-Riquelme, Raúl P. Flores, Gonzalo S. Saldías
    Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022. | Volume 10

  • Artículo/paper
    + Reproductive strategy of yellow squat lobster (Cervimunida johni Porter, 1903): re-evaluating the maturity criteria
    Andrés Flores, Rodrigo Wiff, Donald I. Brown, Mauricio Ahumada, Sebastián Larrea-Meza
    Marine Biology Research. 2022. | Volume 17

  • Artículo/Paper
    + A dynamic simulation model to support reduction in illegal trade within legal wildlife markets
    Oyanedel R, Gelcich S, Mathieu E, Milner-Gulland EJ
    Conservation Biology, 2022|

  • Artículo/paper
    + Adoption and impacts of fishing gear innovations: Insights from a small-scale fishery in Chile
    Felipe Torres Cañete, Rodrigo Oyanedel, Stefan Gelcich
    Fisheries Research. 2022. | 248, 106200

  • Artículo/paper
    + Climate change in the coastal ocean: shifts in pelagic productivity and regionally diverging dynamics of coastal ecosystems
    Sergio A. Navarrete
    , Mario Barahona, Nicolas Weidberg, Bernardo R. Broitman
    Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 2022. | 289: 20212772.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Bird Communities in Coastal Areas. Effects of Anthropogenic Influences and Distance From the Coast
    Graells G
    , Celis-Diez JL, Corcoran D, Gelcich S
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2022. | Volume 10

  • Artículo/paper
    + Ocean acidification induces distinct metabolic responses in subtropical zooplankton under oligotrophic conditions and after simulated upwelling
    Natalia Osma, Cristian A. Vargas, María Algueró-Muñíz, Lennart T. Bach, May Gómez, Henriette G. Horn, Andrea Ludwig, Theodore T. Packard, Ulf Riebesell, Vanesa Romero-Kutzner, Jan Taucher, Igor Fernández-Urruzzola
    Science of The Total Environment. 2022. | Volume 810, 152252

  • Artículo/paper
    + Spatial and Temporal Origins of the La Perouse Low Oxygen Pool: A Combined Lagrangian Statistical Approach
    Saurav Sahu, Susan E. Allen, Gonzalo S. Saldías, Jody M. Klymak, Li Zhai
    JGR Oceans. 2022. | Volume 127, Issue 3

  • Artículo/paper
    + Environmental variability and larval supply to wild and cultured shellfish populations
    Bernardo R. Broitman, Carlos Lara
    , Raúl P. Flores, Gonzalo S. Saldías, Andrea Piñones, Andre Pinochet, Alexander Galán Mejía, Sergio A. Navarrete
    Aquaculture. 2022. | Volume 548: 737639

  • Artículo/paper
    + Upper environmental pCO2 drives sensitivity to ocean acidification in marine invertebrates
    Cristian A. Vargas, L. Antonio Cuevas, Bernardo R. Broitman, Valeska A. San Martin, Nelson A. Lagos,
    Juan Diego Gaitán-Espitia & Sam Dupont
    Nature Climate Change. 2022. | Volume 12

  • Artículo/paper
    + Occurrence and Distribution of Microplastics in Soils and Intertidal Sediments at Fildes Bay, Maritime Antarctica
    Allessandra Perfetti-Bolaño, Alberto Araneda, Katherina Muñoz, Ricardo O. Barra
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022. | 8:774055

  • Artículo/paper
    + Balancing ecological and social goals in PES design – Single objective strategies are not sufficient. Benra, L. Nahuelhual, M. Felipe-Lucia, A. Jaramillo, C. Jullian, A. Bonn
    Ecosystem Services. 2022. | Volume 53, 101385

  • Artículo/paper
    + Social-ecological shifts, traps and collapses in small-scale fisheries: Envisioning a way forward to transformative changes
    Sebastian Villasante, Ignacio Gianelli, Mauricio Castrejón, Laura Nahuelhual, Leonardo Ortega, U. Rashid Sumalia, Omar Defeo
    Marine Policy. 2022. | Volume 136, 104933

  • Artículo/paper
    + Contrasting land-uses in two small river basins impact the colored dissolved organic matter concentration and carbonate system along a river-coastal ocean continuum
    Elizabeth D. Curra-Sánchez, Carlos Lara,
    Marcela Cornejo-D’Ottone, Jorge Nimptsch, Mauricio Aguayo, Bernardo R. Broitman, Gonzalo S. Saldías, Cristian A. Vargas
    Science of The Total Environment. 2022. | Volume 806: 132410

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Ocean acidification alters anti-predator responses in a competitive dominant intertidal mussel
    Jahnsen-Guzmán N, Lagos NA, Quijón P, Manríquez PH, Lardies MA, Fernández C, Reyes M, Zapata J, García Huidobro R, Labra F, Duarte C
    Chemosphere, 2022| Volumen 288, 132410

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Heterogeneous environmental seascape across a biogeographic break influences the thermal physiology and tolerances to ocean acidification in an ecosystem engineer
    Araceli Rodríguez-Romero, Juan Diego Gaitán-Espitía,Tania Opitz, Marco A. Lardies
    Diversity and Distributions, 2022| 00, 1–12

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Biomechanical Characterization of Scallop Shells Exposed to Ocean Acidification and Warming
    Abarca-Ortega A, Muñoz-Moya E, Pacheco Alarcón M, García-Herrera CM, Celentano DJ, Lagos NA, Lardies MA
    Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2022| 9:813537

  • Artículo/paper
    + Morphological, physiological and behavioral responses of an intertidal snail, Acanthina monodon (Pallas), to projected ocean acidification and cooling water conditions in upwelling ecosystems.
    Duarte C, Jahnsen-Guzmán N, Quijón P, Manríquez PH, Lardies MA, Fernández C, Reyes M, Zapata J, García-Huidobro R, Lagos NA.
    Environmental Pollution. 2022. | 293. 118481

  • Artículo/paper
    + Evaluation of remodeling and geometry on the biomechanical properties of nacreous bivalve shells
    Estefano Muñoz-Moya, Claudio M. García-Herrera, Nelson A. Lagos, Aldo F. Abarca-Ortega, Antonio G. Checa & Elizabeth M. Harper
    Scientific Reports. 2022. | 12, 710

  • Artículo/paper
    + Artisanal Fisher Association Leaders’ Estimates of Poaching in Their Exclusive Access Management Areas
    Pedro Romero, Rodrigo A. Estévez, Pablo Romero, Stefan Gelcich
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022. | 8:796518

  • Artículo/Paper
    + The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective.
    G. Sarà, M. C. Mangano, M. Berlino, L. Corbari, M. Lucchese, G. Milisenda,
    S. Terzo, M. S. Azaza, J. M. F. Babarro, R. Bakiu, B. R. Broitman, A. H. Buschmann, R. Christofoletti, A. Deidun, Y. Dong, J. Galdies, B. Glamuzina, O. Luthman, P. Makridis, A. J. A. Nogueira, M. G. Palomo, R. Dineshram, G. Rilov, P. Sanchez-Jerez, H. Sevgili, M. Troell, K. Y. AbouelFadl, M. N. Azra, P. Britz, C. Brugere, E. Carrington, I. Celić, F. Choi, C. Qin, T. Dobroslavić, P. Galli, D. Giannetto, J. Grabowski, M. J. H. Lebata-Ramos, P. T. Lim, Y. Liu, S. M. Llorens, G. Maricchiolo, S. Mirto, M. Pećarević, N. Ragg, E. Ravagnan, D. Saidi, K. Schultz, M. Shaltout, C. Solidoro, S. H. Tan, V. Thiyagarajan & B. Helmuth.
    Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture. 2022 | Volume 30:1, 123-135

  • Artículo/paper
    + Isotopic Characterization of Water Masses in the Southeast Pacific Region: Paleoceanographic Implications
    Dharma Reyes-Macaya, Babette Hoogakker, Gema Martínez-Méndez, Pedro J. Llanillo, Patricia Grasse, Mahyar Mohtadi, Alan Mix, Melanie J. Leng, Ulrich Struck, Daniel C. McCorkle, Macarena Troncoso, Eugenia M. Gayo, Carina B. Lange, Laura Farias, Wilson Carhuapoma, Michelle Graco, Marcela Cornejo-D’Ottone, Ricardo De Pol Holz, Camila Fernandez, Diego Narvaez, Cristian A. Vargas, Francisco García-Araya, Dierk Hebbeln
    JGR Oceans. 2022 | Volumen 127 (1)

  • Artículo/paper
    + Spatial and interannual variability in the distribution of euphausiid life stages in the permanent upwelling system off northern Chile.
    Díaz-Astudillo M, Saldías GS, Letelier J, Riquelme-Bugueño R.
    ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2022 | 79(1), 61-75.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Accessibility Disturbances to the Biodiversity of Urban Wetlands Due to Built Environment
    Rojas C, Sepúlveda E, Munizaga J, Jorquera F, Pino J
    City and Environment Interactions, 2022| Volumen 100076

  • + A Systematic Evidence Map of Conservation knowledge in Chilean Patagonia.
    Martínez-Harms MJ, Armesto JJ, Castilla JC, Astorga A, Aylwin J, Buschmann AH, Castro V, Daneri G, Fernández M, Fuentes-Castillo T, Gelcich S, Gonzalez HE, Hucke-Gaete R, Marquet PA, Morello F, Nahuelhual L, Pliscoff P, Reid B, Rozzi R, Guala C, Tecklin D.
    Conservation Science & Practice, 2022|

  • Artículo/Paper
    + The aquaculture supply chain in the time of covid-19 pandemic: Vulnerability, resilience, solutions and priorities at the global scale
    M.C. Mangano, M. Berlino, L. Corbari, G. Milisenda, M. Lucchese, S. Terzo, M. Bosch-Belmar, M.S. Azaza, J.M.F. Babarro, R. Bakiu, B.R. Broitman, A.H. Buschmann, R. Christofoletti, Y. Dong, B. Glamuzina, O. Luthman, P. Makridis, A.J.A. Nogueira, M.G. Palomo, R. Dineshram, P. Sanchez-Jerez, H. Sevgili, M. Troell, K.Y. AbouelFadl, M.N. Azra, P. Britz, E. Carrington, I. Celić, F. Choi, C. Qin, M.A. Dionísio, T. Dobroslavić, P. Galli, D. Giannetto, J.H. Grabowski, B. Helmuth, M.J.H. Lebata-Ramos, P.T. Lim, Y. Liu, S.M. Llorens, S. Mirto, M. Pećarević, C. Pita, N. Ragg, E. Ravagnan, D. Saidi, K. Schultz, M. Shaltout, S.H. Tan, V. Thiyagarajan, G. Sarà
    Environmental Science & Policy, 2022| Volumen 127

  • Artículo/paper
    + Plasticity in organic composition maintains biomechanical performance in shells of juvenile scallops exposed to altered temperature and pH conditions.
    Lagos NA
    , Benítez S, Grenier c, Rodriguez‑Navarro AB, García‑Herrera C, Abarca‑Ortega A, Vivanco JF, Benjumeda I, Vargas CA, Duarte C, Lardies MA
    Scientific Reports. 2021. | 11:24201.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Urban Fabrics to Eco-Friendly Blue–Green for Urban Wetland Development.
    Rojas C,
    Jorquera F.
    Sustainability. 2021. | 13(24), 13745

  • Artículo/paper
    + Balancing ecological and social goals in PES design – Single objective strategies are not sufficient.
    Benra F, Nahuelhual L, Felipe-Lucia m, Jaramillo A, Bonn A, Jullian C.
    Ecosystem Services. 2021. | 53. 101385.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Transfer of Pollutants from Macrocystis pyrifera to Tetrapygus niger in a Highly Impacted Coastal Zone of Chile.
    Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Andrés Meynard, Jorge Rivas and Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
    Toxics. 2021. | 9(10), 244.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature on Copper Aqueous Removal Capability of Biochar Derived from the Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera.
    Matías Araya, Jorge Rivas, Graciela Sepúlveda, Camila Espinoza-González, Sebastián Lira, Andrés Meynard, Elodie Blanco, Nestor Escalona, Rosanna Ginocchio, Elizabeth Garrido-Ramírez, and Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
    Applied Sciences. 2021. | 11(19), 9223.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Harnessing the diversity of small-scale actors is key to the future of aquatic food systems.
    Rebecca E. Short, Stefan Gelcich, David C. Little, Fiorenza Micheli, Edward H. Allison, Xavier Basurto, Ben Belton, Cecile Brugere, Simon R. Bush, Ling Cao, Beatrice Crona, Philippa J. Cohen, Omar Defeo, Peter Edwards, Caroline E. Ferguson, Nicole Franz, Christopher D. Golden, Benjamin S. Halpern, Lucie Hazen, Christina Hicks, Derek Johnson, Alexander M. Kaminski, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Rosamond L. Naylor, Melba Reantaso, U. Rashid Sumaila, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, Michelle Tigchelaar, Colette C. C. Wabnitz & Wenbo Zhang.
    Nature Food. 2021. | 2, 733–741.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Blue food demand across geographic and temporal scales.
    Rosamond L. Naylor, Avinash Kishore, U. Rashid Sumaila, Ibrahim Issifu, Blaire P. Hunter, Ben Belton, Simon R. Bush, Ling Cao, Stefan Gelcich, Jessica A. Gephart, Christopher D. Golden, Malin Jonell, J. Zachary Koehn, David C. Little, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, Michelle Tigchelaar & Beatrice Crona.
    Nature Communications. 2021. | 12, 5799.

  • Artículo/paper
    + The landmark Escazú Agreement: An opportunity to integrate democracy, human rights, and transboundary conservation.
    Sofía López-Cubillos, Lina Muñoz-Ávila, Leslie A. Roberson, Andrés F. Suárez-Castro, Jose Manuel Ochoa-Quintero, Renato Crouzeilles, Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao, Jonathan Rhodes, Wolfram Dressler, María José Martinez-Harms, Rebecca K. Runting.
    Conservation Letters. 2021. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Local disconnects in global discourses—The unintended consequences of marine mammal protection on small-scale fishers.
    Katrina J. Davis, Joanna Alfaro-Shigueto, William N.S. Arlidge, Michael Burton, Jeffrey C. Mangel, Morena Mills, E.J. Milner-Gulland, José Palma-Duque, Cristina Romero-de-Diego, Stefan Gelcich.
    Conservation Letters. 2021. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + A new threat to local marine biodiversity: filamentous mats proliferating at mesophotic depths off Rapa Nui.
    Javier Sellanes, Matthias Gorny, Germán Zapata-Hernández, Gonzalo Alvarez, Praxedes Muñoz, Fadia Tala.
    PeerJ. 2021. | 9:e12052.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Exposure time modulates the effects of climate change-related stressors on fertile sporophytes and early-life stage performance of a habitat-forming kelp species.
    Claudio P. González, Mario Edding, Fadia Tala, Rodrigo Torres, Patricio H. Manríquez.
    Environmental Pollution. 2021. | Volume 286, 117224.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Macrocystis pyrifera Extract Residual as Nutrient Source for the Production of Sophorolipids Compounds by Marine Yeast Rhodotorula rubra.
    Allison Leyton, Michael Araya, Fadia Tala, Liset Flores, María Elena Lienqueo and Carolina Shene.
    Molecules. 2021. | 26(8), 2355.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Negative Consequences on the Growth, Morphometry, and Community Structure of the Kelp Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta) by a Short Pollution Pulse of Heavy Metals and PAHs.
    Roddy Jara-Yáñez, Andrés Meynard, Gladys Acosta, Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Carolina Oyarzo-Miranda, Francisco Castañeda, Florentina Piña, Jorge Rivas, Cristian Bulboa, and Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
    Toxics. 2021. | 9(8):190.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Assessing Procedural Justice in the Administration of Small-Scale Benthic Fisheries in Chile.
    Rodrigo A. Estévez
    , Gabriel Jerez and Stefan Gelcich.
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + High-Frequency Variability of the Surface Ocean Properties Off Central Chile During the Upwelling Season.
    Catalina Aguirre, René Garreaud, Lucy Belmar, Laura Farías, Laura Ramajo and Facundo Barrera.
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Assessment of the independent and combined effects of copper and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on gametogenesis and sporophyte development of the kelp Lessonia spicata (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta).
    Camila Espinoza-González, Andrés Meynard, Alejandra Núñez, Francisco Castañeda, Carolina Oyarzo-Miranda, Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Jorge Rivas & Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
    Journal of Applied Phycology. 2021. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Stability of rocky intertidal communities, in response to species removal, varies across spatial scales.
    Nelson Valdivia, Daniela N. López, Eliseo Fica-Rojas, Alexis M. Catalán, Moisés A. Aguilera, Marjorie Araya, Claudia Betancourtt, Katherine Burgos-Andrade, Thais Carvajal-Baldeon, Valentina Escares, Simon Gartenstein, Mariana Grossmann, Bárbara Gutiérrez, Jonne Kotta, Diego F. Morales-Torres, Bárbara Riedemann-Saldivia, Sara M. Rodríguez, Catalina Velasco-Charpentier, Vicente I. Villalobos, Bernardo R. Broitman.
    Oikos. 2021. |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Exploring the role of access regimes over an economically important intertidal kelp species.
    Fernando González-Roca, Stefan Gelcich, Ángel Pérez-Ruzafa, J.M. Alonso Vega, Julio A. Vásquez.
    Ocean & Coastal Management. 2021. | Volume 212, 105811.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Drivers of dinoflagellate benthic cyst assemblages in the NW Patagonian Fjords System and its adjacent oceanic shelf, with a focus on harmful species.
    Camilo Rodríguez-Villegas, Matthew R.Lee, Pablo Salgado, Rosa I. Figueroa, Ángela Baldrich, Iván Pérez-Santos, Stephen J. Tomasetti, Edwin Niklitschek, Manuel Díaz, Gonzalo Álvarez, Sandra L.Marín, Miriam Seguel, Laura Farías, Patricio A. Díaz.
    Science of The Total Environment. 2021. | Volume 785, 147378

  • Artículo/paper
    + Temporal methane variability in the water column of an area of seasonal coastal upwelling: A study based on a 12 year time series.
    L. Farías
    , S. Tenorio, K. Sanzana, J. Faúndez.
    Progress in Oceanography. 2021. | Volume 195, 102589

  • Artículo/paper
    + Spatial Distribution of Dissolved Methane Over Extreme Oceanographic Gradients in the Subtropical Eastern South Pacific (17° to 37°S).
    L. Farías
    , M. Troncoso, K. Sanzana, J. Verdugo, I. Masotti.
    Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 2021. | Volume 126, Issue 5

  • Artículo/paper
    + Effects of experience with access regimes on stewardship behaviors of small-scale fishers.
    María I. Rivera-Hechem, Ricardo A. Guzmán, Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert, Stefan Gelcich.
    Conservation Biology. 2021. | 1–10

  • Artículo/paper
    + Gaps, biases, and future directions in research on the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on aquatic ecosystems: a topic-based bibliometric analysis.
    Francisco J. Fernández, Manuel Muñoz, Roberto D. Ponce Oliva, Felipe Vásquez-Lavín & Stefan Gelcich.
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021 |

  • Artículo/paper
    + A framework for assessing and intervening in markets driving unsustainable wildlife use.
    Rodrigo Oyanedel
    , Stefan Gelcich, E.J. Milner-Gulland.
    Science of the Total Environment. 2021 | 792. 148328

  • Libro
    + Ecosystem Services in Patagonia. A Multi-Criteria Approach for an Integrated Assessment.
    Editors: Peri, Pablo L., Martínez Pastur, Guillermo, Nahuelhual, Laura.
    Springer International Publishing. 2021 |
    doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-69166-0

  • Artículo/paper
    + An intrapopulational study of organic compounds and biomechanical properties of the shell of the Antarctic bivalve Laternula elliptica (P. P. King, 1832) at King George Island.
    M. Roberto García-Huidobro, María Josefina Poupin, Cristóbal Urrutia, Alejandro B. Rodriguez-Navarro, Christian Grenier, Juan F. Vivanco, Laura Ramajo, Isabel Benjumeda, Nelson A. Lagos & Marco A. Lardies.
    Polar Biol. 2021 |

  • Artículo/paper
    + Characterization of an Agarophyton chilense Oleoresin Containing PPARγ Natural Ligands with Insulin-Sensitizing Effects in a C57Bl/6J Mouse Model of Diet-Induced Obesity and Antioxidant Activity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
    Claudio Pinto, María Raquel Ibáñez, Gloria Loyola, Luisa León, Yasmin Salvatore, Carla González, Víctor Barraza, Francisco Castañeda, Rebeca Aldunate, Loretto Contreras-Porcia, Karen Fuenzalida, and Francisca C. Bronfman.
    Nutrients. 2021 | Volumen 13(6), 1828.

  • Artículo/paper
    + A review on coastal urban ecology: Research gaps, challenges and needs.
    Giorgia Graells
    , Nao Nakamura, Juan L. Celis, Nelson A. Lagos, Pablo A. Marquet, Patricio Pliscoff and Stefan Gelcich.
    Front. Mar. Sci. 2021 |
    doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.617897

  • Artículo/paper
    + Coastal Evolution in a Wetland Affected by Large Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in South-Central Chile: Criteria for Integrated Coastal Management.
    Carolina Martínez
    , Einer Sepúlveda-Zúñiga, Mauricio Villagrán, Octavio Rojas, Matías Gómez, Pablo López and Carolina Rojas.
    Water. 2021 | Volumen 13(11), 1467

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Phenotypic plasticity is not a cline: thermal physiology of an intertidal barnacle over 20 degrees of latitude.
    B.R. Broitman
    , N.A. Lagos, T. Opitz, D. Figueroa, K. Maldonado, N. Ricote and M.A. Lardies.
    Journal of Animal Ecology. 2021 | (In press)

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Geographical Variation in Phenotypic Plasticity of Intertidal Sister Limpet’s Species Under Ocean Acidification Scenarios.
    Marco Antonio Lardies
    , Paz Caballero, Cristián Duarte and María Josefina Poupin.
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021 | Volumen 8:647087.

  • Brief
    + The Vital Roles of Blue Foods in the Global Food System.
    Jim Leape, Fiorenza Micheli, Michelle Tigchelaar, Edward H. Allison, Xavier Basurto, Abigail Bennett, Simon R. Bush, Ling Cao, Beatrice Crona, Fabrice DeClerck, Jessica Fanzo, Jessica A. Gephart, Stefan Gelcich, Christopher D. Golden, Christina C. Hicks, Avinash Kishore, J. Zachary Koehn, David C. Little, Rosamond L. Naylor, Elizabeth R. Selig, Rebecca E. Short, U. Rashid Sumaila, Shakuntala H. Thilsted, Max Troell, Colette C.C. Wabnitz.
    Food Systems Summit Briefs. Scientific Group for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 | April 15.
    Available in

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Time or Space? Relative Importance of Geographic Distribution and Interannual Variation in Three Lineages of the Ascidian Pyura chilensis in the Southeast Pacific Coast.
    Pilar A. Haye
    , Xavier Turon and Nicolás I. Segovia
    Frontiers in Marine Science. 2021 | 8:657411.
    doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.657411.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Ingestion of contaminated kelps by the herbivore Tetrapygus niger: Negative effects on food intake, growth, fertility, and early development.
    Nicolás Latorre-Padilla, Andrés Meynard, Fernanda X. Oyarzún, Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
    Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2021 | Volume 167, 112365.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Enhancement of Xanthophyll Synthesis in Porphyra/Pyropia Species (Rhodophyta, Bangiales) by Controlled Abiotic Factors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
    Florentina Piña, Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
    Marine Drugs. 2021 | Volume 19(4), 221.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Estimating discount rates for environmental goods: Are People’s responses inadequate to frequency of payments?
    Felipe Vásquez-Lavín, Moisés Carrasco, Manuel Barrientos, Stefan Gelcich, Roberto D. Ponce Oliva.
    Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2021 | Volume 107, 102446.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Synergistic, antagonistic, and additive effects of heavy metals (copper and cadmium) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) under binary and tertiary combinations in key habitat-forming kelp species of Chile.
    Andrés Meynard, Camila Espinoza-González, Alejandra Núñez, Francisco Castañeda & Loretto Contreras-Porcia.
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2021 | Volumen 28, 18300–18307.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Renewable Energies: Research Trends, Gaps and the Challenge of Improving Participation.
    Rodrigo A. Estévez, Valeria Espinoza, Roberto D. Ponce Oliva, Felipe Vásquez-Lavín and Stefan Gelcich.
    Sustainability. 2021 | Volumen 13(6), 3515.

  • Reporte/informe
    + Making Peace with Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies.
    Contributing author: Ricardo Barra.
    United Nations Environment Programme UNEP. 2021. Nairobi.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Conservation planning for people and nature in a Chilean biodiversity hotspot.
    María José Martínez-Harms, Kerrie A. Wilson, Micheli D. P. Costa, Hugh P. Possingham, Stefan Gelcich, Alienor Chauvenet, Patricio Pliscoff, Pablo A. Marquet, Brett A. Bryan.
    People and Nature | Volumen 2021, 00, 1-14.

  • Artículo/paper
    + Public Officials’ Knowledge of Advances and Gaps for Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in Chile.
    Rodrigo A. Estévez & Stefan Gelcich.
    Sustainability. 2021 | Volumen 13, 2703, 2-18.

  • Artículo/paper
    + A source of isotopically light organic carbon in a low-pH anoxic marine zone.
    Cristian A. Vargas, Sebastian I. Cantarero, Julio Sepúlveda, Alexander Galán, Ricardo De Pol-Holz, Brett Walker, Wolfgang Schneider, Laura Farías, Marcela Cornejo D’Ottone, Jennifer Walker, Xiaomei Xu & Joe Salisbury .
    Nature Communications. 2021 | Volumen 12, 1604.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + First report of the hapuku wreckfish Polyprion oxygeneios (Polyprionidae) in Argentinian waters.
    Milessi AC, De Wysiecki AM, Carvalho Filho A, Wiff R.
    Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research | Volumen 49, 354.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Estimating spatio-temporal distribution of fish and gear selectivity functions from pooled scientific survey and commercial fishing data.
    Gonzalez GM, Wiff R, Marshall CT, Cornulier T.
    Fisheries Research, 2021 | Volumen 243, 106054.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Biphasic growth modelling in elasmobranchs based on asymmetric and heavy-tailed errors.
    Contreras-Reyes JE, Wiff R, Soto J, Donovan CR, Araya M.
    Environmental Biology of Fishes, 2021 | Volumen 104, 615.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Coping with El Niño: Phenotypic flexibility of reproductive traits in red squat lobster determines recruitment success.
    Flores A, Wiff R, Ahumada M, Queirolo D, Apablaza P.
    ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2021 |

  • Artículo/Paper
    + An experimental look at trust, bargaining, and public goods in fishing communities
    Rojas CA, Cinner J, Lau J, Ruano-Chamorro C, Contreras-Drey FJ, Gelcich S
    Scientific Reports, 2021| Volumen 11, 20798.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Variable environments in an upwelling system trigger differential thermal sensitivity in a low intertidal chiton.
    Manríquez N, Bacigalupe LD, Lardies MA
    Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021| Volumen 9, 753486.

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Climatic Regulation of Vegetation Phenology in Protected Areas along Western South America
    Lara C, Saldías GS, Cazelles B, Rivadeneira MM, Muñoz R, Galán A, Paredes AL, Fierro P, Broitman BR
    Remote Sensing, 2021|

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Argo Float Reveals Biogeochemical Characteristics Along the Freshwater Gradient Off Western Patagonia
    Galán A, Saldías GS, Corredor-Acosta A, Muñoz R, Lara C, Iriarte JL
    Frontiers in Marine Science, 2021|

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Diversity of small-scale fisheries in Chile: environmental patterns and biogeography can inform fisheries management.
    Chevallier A, Broitman BR, Barahona N, Vicencio-Estay C, Hui FKC, Inchausti P, Stotz WB.
    Environmental Science & Policy, 2021|

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + Ocean acidification: scientific understanding and challenges
    Laffoley D, Baxter JM, Jewett EB, Brooks MT, Lagos NA
    Ch. 2 in RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON OCEAN ACIDIFICATION LAW AND POLICY. VanderZwaag, Oral and Sthephens (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2021|

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Universal Evolutionary Model for Periodical Species
    Goles E, Slapnicar I, Lardies MA
    Complexity, 2021| Volumen 2021, 2976351

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Circulation and Upwelling Induced by Coastal Trapped Waves Over a Submarine Canyon in an Idealized Eastern Boundary Margin
    Saldías GS, Ramos-Musalem K, Allen SE
    Geophysical Research Letters, 2021| Volumen 48

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Annual cycle of growth and population structure of the estuarine crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus (Brachyura: Varunidae) off central Chile
    Riquelme-Bugueño RA, Luppi T, Saldías GS , Lagos ME, Urbina MA, Retamal MA
    Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2021|

  • Artículo/Paper
    + Evolutionary drivers of the hump-shaped latitudinal gradient of benthic polychaete species richness along the Southeastern Pacific coast
    Moreno RA, Labra FA, Cotoras DD, Camus PA, Gutiérrez D, Aguirre L, Rozbaczylo N, Poulin E, Lagos NA, Zamorano D, Rivadeneira MM
    PeerJ, 2021|

  • Informe
    + Más de 20 años de monitoreo del sistema de surgencia costera de Chile central.
    Farías L, Manríquez V, Maza L
    Universidad de Concepción, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Departamento de Oceanografía, 2021|

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + Ecosystem Services as a Tool for Decision-Making in Patagonia
    Peri P, Martinez-Pastur G, Nahuelhual L
    Ecosystem Services in Patagonia: A Multi-Criteria Approach for an Integrated Assessment, 2021| Volumen 1, 2662-3463.

  • Libro/Capítulo de libro
    + Local Knowledge, Community Experiences, Nature, Collaboration, and Resilience in Times of Pandemic, Uncertainty, and Climate Change in the Anthropocene Era
    PRojas J, Silva P, Barra R
    Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Resilience During the Pandemic Period – Anthropological and Psychological Perspectives, 2021|